This document is effective from 20/12/09.

Thank you for visiting the M1 Hotels website. We hope you find it useful, and that our website helps you to plan an enjoyable stay.

While we endeavour to provide the best possible service to our users, M1 Hotels (this website) and its operator (Chevron Software Limited) cannot be liable for any consequences of the use of data provided herein, or the use of any external services or websits linked from, or linking to, this site.

Due to the nature of the service we provide, some data such as hotel prices and travel directions may sometimes become outdated, obsolete or inaccurate for some other reason. By using this site you agree that, although we shall strive to provide most relevant and up-to-date information, you accept any and all risks associated with the use of this site.

We will also do our best to ensure the highest possible availability of this service. However, we cannot be liable for any consequences of this service becoming unavailable for whatever reason.

Finally, please also note that this document is subject to change without notice.