There are two parts to this search option; firstly, you can choose how many miles by road from the motorway your accommodation must be within. You can choose either 5 or 10 miles. We don't currently list any hotels that are more than 10 miles from the motorway because there is already such a large number of hotels to choose from.

Also, you can choose whether you'd like to see results for hotels at service areas, off the motorway, or both. If you choose "At services" you'll see hotels that are located within service areas that are situated directly on the motorway. These are often surprisingly cheap and excellent for extended motorway journeys. If you choose "Off the motorway" you'll see hotels situated off the motorway; although still within easy reach, you will find that these hotels generally have lower levels of traffic noise. And if you're travelling for pleasure you may enjoy a more scenic location than the motorway itself can offer. The default option is "Either", and this will show you hotels that are off or on the motorway.